Friday, June 10, 2016

Mortuary Phrase: de mortuis nil nisi bonum Of the dead say nothing but good

De mortuis nihil nisi bonum phrase coined by Chilon of Sparta (ca. 600 BC).

Adam Linsay Gordon wrote this mortuary phrase in his poem “Sunlight on the Sea” (The Philosophy of a Feast) .

We eat and drink, we come and go,
(The sunlight dies upon the open sea.)
I speak in riddles. Is it so?
My riddles need not mar your glee;
For I will neither bid you share
My thoughts, nor will I bid you shun,
Though I should see in yonder chair
Th’ Egyptian’s muffled skeleton.
One toast with me, your glasses fill,
Aye, fill them level with the brim,
De mortuis, nisi bonum, nil!
The lights are growing dim.

Louise Elisabeth Gluck also wrote the mortuary phrase in her poem The Open Grave.

My mother made my need,
my father my conscience.
De mortuis nil nisi bonum.
Therefore it will cost me
bitterly to lie,
to prostrate myself
at the edge of a grave.
I say to the earth
“be kind to my mother,
now and later.
Save, with your coldness,
the beauty we all envied.”
I became an old woman.
I welcomed the dark
I used so to fear.
De mortuis nil nisi bonum.

And Sigmund Freud wrote in Thoughts for the Times on War and Death in the second part of the essay, Our Attitude Towards Death.

We assume a special attitude towards the dead, something almost like admiration for one who has accomplished a very difficult feat.

We suspend criticism of him, overlooking whatever wrongs he may have done, and issue the command, De mortuis nil nisi bene("Of the dead, nothing [spoken] unless well (truthfully)") : we act as if we were justified in singing his praises at the funeral oration, and inscribe only what is to his advantage on the tombstone.

This consideration for the dead, which he really no longer needs, is more important to us than the truth, and, to most of us, certainly, it is more important than consideration for the living.

Other Blog:
Yitzhak Kaduri- Ariel Sharon And Messiah
Men's Health Medicine

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Still No Yehoshua

Ariel Sharon suffered a stroke in 2006 and Kaduri died not long after that.

But before the venerated Jewish spiritual leader Kaduri died, he wrote a cryptic note in which he named the Messiah whom he claimed to have been visited and he prophesy that this Messiah would come shortly after Sharon’s death.

And his cryptic note was to be opened a year after his death, when the sealed note was opened a year later, it was revealed the Messiah’s name as Yehoshua or Jesus.

Ariel Sharon died in January 11, 2014, he was in comatosed state for 10 years since 2006.

Now as of this written article, in the year of 2016 two years since Sharon died and even after the occurance of the lunar tetrad starting with three eclipses on April 15 and October 8, 2014 and on April 4 2015. The lunar tetrad ends with the appearing of a super full moon on September 28, 2015 a rare total lunar exlipse but still no Yehoshua.

You can buy and read Yitzhak Kaduri book below.

The Rabbi Who Found Messiah: The Story of Yitzhak Kaduri and His Prophecies of the Endtime

Other Blog:
Yitzhak Kaduri- Ariel Sharon And Messiah
Men's Health Medicine